Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation

Welcome to the Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports!  Our department's purpose is to provide students, faculty, and staff with an opportunity to participate in a wide variety of sports-related activities that promote a positive and healthy experience.

Discount Theme Park Tickets

We offer a variety of discount theme park tickets including Disney, Universal, Sea World, Busch Gardens, Medieval Times, Kennedy Space Center and more! 

To purchase theme park tickets you must be an ERAU student, faculty, staff or alumni. Go to the following website:

You may be prompted to log into your ERNIE account. After completing your purchase you will receive an email when your tickets are ready to be picked up from the ICI Center. You will need your Eagle/Alumni Card and receipt. Tickets may be picked up Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS!!!

If you have any questions contact us at 386-226-6530.